Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I Bowed On My Knees and Cried Holy

I Bowed On My Knees and Cried Holy 
This is an mp3 of the choir song from Sunday. A few people asked about the audio from Sunday so here it is.  I was sick on Sunday so it is amazing that it sounded like it does.  I had a few life groups praying for me on Sunday, and I could feel it!  In the 8:00 A.M. communion service i was weazing, and my voice was gruff, but it was anything but in the 10:30 service.  I woke up at like 3:00 A.M. that morning and was having trouble breathing.  It was like I was having an asthma attack.  So I wasn't able to go back to sleep.  So I felt like it was a miracle that I was even able to sing that morning.  God is so good, and always takes care of us.  I literally prayed I can't do this God.  You have to do it, and He did.  Hope you enjoy.